Friday, November 14, 2008

Pigmentation & Lacunae

1) A brown pigment spot was deposited in the Pancreas and (Neck + Shoulder ) zone. This brown pigment was indicated indeficiency in Liver, Gall Bladder and Kidney.

2) 2 closed lacunae was deposited in the Sinus and Pancreas zone. Possible sinus and panreas problem.

1) One closed lacuna was found in the Kidney zone.
2) A rarification loose fiber weave was developed in the Kidney zone. Strong indication of Kidney problem.
3) A small brown dot was found in the ciliary zone, indicate Liver, Gall Bladder and possible Kidney problem.
Brown pigment was found inside the Autonomic Nerve Wreath, indicate digestion, absorption and elimination problems. Stomach - Colon - Liver.

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