Monday, November 10, 2008

An Analysis of Lacunae

Polygrandular Constitution - Various lacunae, crypts and defect signs around the autonomic nerve wreath. Glandular function insufficiency, such as digestive, pancreas, gall baldder, adrenals, pituitary, pineal, and thyroid.

The picture showing various lacunae - semi-open and close lacunae with grey shading fibers , loose weave, indicates an irritation, inflammation and poor resistance to infection in the Lung zone. This person possible having asthma, bronchitis, respiratory and sinus problem.

Stairstep lacuna in the ovary / intestinal zone . An alarm sign for further checking the affected area.

An insufficiency of kidney showing the diamond shape loose weave fibers with so called Rhomboid lacuna. These multitude of rhomboid lacuane show a genetic history and tendency to immuno depression and diverticulitis in the large intestine.

Collarette Crypts seating above the pupillary border.

Collarette Crypts - These crypts can indicate a familial history of bowel imbalance and an inherited disposition to gastrointestinal disease. Collarette crypts\ small lacunae just inside the collarette or nutrive zone. This is a genetic marker and indicates a family history of GI deficiency.

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