Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Human Bio- Energy & How Is It Connected To ill-Health

Quantum physics has acknowledged that we are all made up of energy, as is everything around us. It is the most basic building block of life, but like the air we breathe we usually can’t see it.

Energy flows through everything and creates everything. Even our thoughts and emotions are energy. It is just a difference in the vibrational frequency of energy that gives us the illusion of substance and separation, rather like water moving from solid ice at slower vibration, to fluids and then to steam at a higher vibration.

Our personal bio-energies are delicately balanced and we can become sick or feel “not quite right” when our energy flows are disturbed or blocked. Energy imbalances can result from both internal and external factors.

Internal factors impacting our bio-energy system include:

anxiety & stress
childhood programming
limiting beliefs
neurological, biochemical, and structural imbalances
existential fears and limiting spiritual beliefs
remaining in situations that are not fulfilling or in harmony with our needs

External factors impacting our bio-energy systems include:

environmental stresses & toxins
geopathic phenomena
astrological phenomena

During our early life we start collecting information that determines our programming. Genetic, social and cultural aspects will contribute to this programming. Over the years these pictures and programs we collect will govern the way we use our energy. We hold the information in our subtle energy systems and it determines how the energy moves through our chakras. The pictures or programs will remain there until such time as we start to realise that we create our experiences with the beliefs we hold - good and bad.

The energy systems of the body (aura, chakras, nadis and meridians) are connected energetically to our physical organs, glands and bodily systems. When the energy supplied to these bodily systems is disrupted, the body organs and systems are less able to defend against disease and injury.

In the same way, the health of our energy systems also determines our mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. If our energy systems are disrupted or blocked we are less able to cope, we feel stressed, which in turn has a negative impact on our physical systems. Over a prolonged period this leads to ill health. If our energy systems are clear and balanced we will be in a better position to deal with situations and circumstances that might otherwise be perceived as a stress.

By working with the energy system we can access all levels of the mind, body and spirit and achieve a holistic healing. Knowing the connections and energy relationships means the nature of the disease and its location can guide us to where an energy block or imbalance is occurring, as well as what we need to do energetically to clear that block.

Disease is our body’s mechanism of telling us that our energy is not flowing harmoniously and that something is not working in our lives. If we don’t pay attention to the initial messages the warnings will become more severe until we take notice. Once we are aware of this, we can regard illness in a more positive light, so long as we then act upon it and make appropriate changes necessary to heal.

Energy is within and around us all the time, but our consciousness enables us to activate it and make it vital. I usually need to reiterate to people that just because we can’t see something, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. We can’t see air, but we know we breathe it to keep us alive. We also can't see electricity, atoms, electromagnetic fields, sound, radio waves or the weather, yet we can see or hear the indirect results of these. Everyone’s perception differs and an increasing number of people are able to perceive things using “extra-sensory perception” that others can’t. Today, more and more people are becoming able to perceive energy in some way and know it as a very “tangible” phenomenon.

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