Friday, April 07, 2006

An Understanding of Energy Channelling

Written By Darryn

There are lots of views on the different types of energy channelling modulations/healing and lots of confusion, this is quite understandable for energy work is very fluid in action which makes it hard to pin it down to one thing or another.

Energy channelling does not follow similar scientific criteria's as say a physical therapy that uses the anatomy and physiology of the body to learn it. With energy work we are working primarily and directly with the person's energy system, which can affect the very core essence of that human being.

There appears to be two parts to the journey of energy channelling… one side which is sadly overlooked with many of the systems is our connection and journey with our higher selves and the other is how we use the connection to help heal others, this is one process to my understanding and should not be split.


Consciousness encompasses the very essence of everything, the universal energy/consciousness and the very fabric of life itself. If something has not been conceived then it has not been brought forth into existence yet.

We are all a part of this universal energy/consciousness and it is from that viewpoint we in our consciousness, conceive and co-create our physical existence here in this physical reality. We 'are' Beings of pure energy/consciousness.

Now I have not got the full picture yet, but it seems as Beings of pure energy/consciousness, we cannot experience what we can in the physical, so we come here to expand our consciousness into the physical realm.

To my understanding it is not the physical body that creates the energy fields and the aura that we work with in energy work, but rather the aura and energy field, which is a part of our higher selves, which is creating the physical body. What we see as the physical body is the end result of a process that begins and ends with the consciousness.

Our consciousness exists within every cell in our bodies. Through our consciousness, we can potentially communicate with every cell and organ within our own bodies. This communication happens because of a process of energetic 'like mindedness', where the universal energies are directed to the required place of healing intent. Through this energy exchange we become an energy conduit when we offer a similar energetic communication to other people. This giving and receiving of energy or 'energy exchange', is what enables energy healing for self and others.

Our Higher Selves

This is a term you will often hear and again you will hear many differing explanations. I will give you my understanding in the hope that it will give you a starting point to help you form your own understanding.

In our pure state of energy/consciousness as our Divine I AM Being before we come here, we are what is termed our higher selves. I am not sure why we conveniently forget about it when we arrive, but it seems we do, and life goes on in ignorance of our true nature as an intricate part of the Universal energy/consciousness. By essentially forgetting we are Beings of pure light we also forget we are the very essence of pure love.

Guides and Ascended Masters

Both terms are used in energy work. Guides and Ascended Masters are Beings that have had their journeys here and opted to help others complete theirs… though there seems to be a difference in the ways they do it. Guides generally help us throughout our human existence though they can and do change from time to time when we have need. Ascended Masters have co-formed quite a few of the energy connection systems that we employ in energy work and tend to oversee that system.

Connections/attunements to the various energy systems

Most systems either use years of meditations/mantras to self reconnect us to our true higher selves/universal energy/consciousness or we receive an attunement or a series of attunement processes which will do the same thing. The actual mechanics are not that important as they all work, the main element seems to be intention, so the intention of the giver is to give and the intention of the receiver is to receive and that is what happens.

Some connections are through the Ascended Masters and some are a direct connection. This can affect 'the what' you can do with a particular system depending on any restrictions that might have been imposed by the founder and the associated Ascended Master or your own conceptions with a direct personal connection.

During a reconnection/attunement process, our energy systems become realigned with our 'I AM' consciousness… and our awareness expands as we learn to respond to rhythm of our own individual uniqueness. Your journey of rediscovery begins or expands depending on where you are at that illusory moment in time upon your path.

As this process evolves within us, we slowly become more aware of our true nature and establish a stronger connection with the Divine I AM Self, which is an on going process. The more we can move into the Divine I Am position the more we can achieve with the energy. This onward moving part of our journey is helping us to overcome the many turmoils of our physical existence while preparing us to return to our pure energy/consciousness existence.

Our Energy Systems Consists Of

The Aura

The aura is an intricate part of our consciousness and consists of seven levels/layers, which correspond to the seven main chakras of the body as listed below in the Chakra section. Starting from the physical body the first auric layer is called the Etheric layer (or subtle body)… the next is the Emotional layer… the Mental layer… the Astral layer… the Celestial layer… the Etheric Template… then the Cosmic layer.

The Chakras

Chakra is a Sanskrit word and it means "wheel," or "vortex," because that's what it looks like when we look at it. Each chakra is like a ball of pulsating energy that sits in alignment with skeletal spine of the physical body. The chakras themselves are not physical. They are a very intricate part of our consciousness in the same way that the auric layers are also a part of our consciousness. Each of the chakras has a differing energy signature that corresponds directly with the auric layer e.g. the etheric layer corresponds to the base chakra… emotional layer corresponds to the sacral chakra and so on… with their colours being respectively Red for the Base chakra, Orange for the Sacral chakra, yellow the Solar Plexus chakra, Green/Pink for the Heart chakra, blue for the Throat chakra, Indigo for the Brow chakra and finally Purple/Violet for the Crown chakra.

Within the auric layers of physical body there are three additional chakras. One is approx 8 inches above the top of the head is the 'Soul Star' (or transpersonal chakra)… the second is approx 8 inches below the feet is the 'Earth Star' (connection/grounding to the Gaia energy)… and the third is the Thymus or 'bridging chakra' which is located between the Heart and Throat chakras… The Thymus chakra has only recently become consciously known in our awareness and symbolises the compassionate energy of the Soul (Divine Heart chakra) expressed through communication within the realms of the written or spoken word (Throat chakra). Its colour is Turquoise.

We also have chakras that extend out side of the physical body both upwards and downwards and it may come to light that these extend the aura further than my present understanding.
The chakras interact with the physical body in my opinion through the primary meridians, which appear to connect all the smaller chakras, which are usually found at the main energy centres of the meridians. You can trace the meridians with the energy and release blockages etc. though this fine-tuning can take a while to master. This fine-tuning action also appears to have a direct flow on effect to the endocrine and the nervous systems. So each chakra can be associated with particular parts of the body and particular functions within the body controlled by that nerve or endocrine gland associated with that chakra.

Some say that you do not need this type of information to do energy channelling work, but if you have a good understanding of how the body and it various systems work, this might be useful at times… there again… it might well cloud the issue and you could end up replacing your spirit wise intuition/guidance (which is what we rely on in energy work), with head knowledge. Head knowledge alone can somewhat restrict the natural flow of the energy and make your energy treatments appear less effective. Please know that energy will always flow wherever it is needed even if we seemingly have been trying to direct it.

The Universal Energy

So what is this universal energy/consciousness or life force, as some prefer to call it that we connect to and channel? Again there are lots of ideas and thoughts on this subject, and it is up to each individual to grow into their own understanding, which comes through their own direct contact with the energy.

To my understanding, the creative life force energy that is everywhere is made up of incalculable amounts of conscious energy from which we are created (including our higher selves and other Beings). This collective forms a part of the universal energy as 'The Collective Mass Consciousness Pool'. This creative energy pool or life force intelligence from all these Beings is a fundamental part of the energy we tap into when we channel energy for the good of the people we treat and help with healing's or in whatever other ways we feel led in our journeys back to our true state of Beingness.

Channeling the energy

To channel the energy we need realigning to it. This can be achieved in a few different ways… by meditations, mantras and one of the simplest methods is for someone who is already connected to one or more of the energy systems, to pass an attunement.

Once we are attuned or realigned to one or more frequencies (the word frequency is used here to describe the different feel we sense with each new energy system we take onboard). Some people are happy with a singular attunement to one energy system and that is fine, while others prefer one singular combination attunement or series of attunements to many systems. Either way, our energy systems adapt and expand thus allowing us to draw in the energy (a bit like breathing in) and then channel the energy to whatever we are trying to affect a change in (like breathing out). The more we do this the stronger the flow, a bit like working out at the gym only on a spiritual level :-)

Different systems use different ways of achieving this but to my understanding we work with whatever help and guidance we allow. We collect and channel this energy 'in' though our energy systems and 'out' through the chakras in the center of our palms into whatever we want to put the energy into.

That is a little simplistic, but gets the idea across. On a deeper level we (our collective consciousness which encompasses our whole BEing), project this energy into whatever we wish to help. Once we have connected, we then expand our awareness to sense what energy work is required to help balance the energy systems and restore vitality (please remember it is the energy systems that maintain the physical not the other way round)… then we go to work adjusting what needs adjusting as we come across them. The way we do this will depend on our level of energetic comprehension, or through the differing systems guidance we receive from the collective consciousness pool of the energy we rely on.

Working Remotely

To work remotely or distantly either giving treatments or attunements might at first seem impossible when we use our physical conceptions, which is quite normal, thankfully, the energy is not governed by our physical laws of physics. Let me try and give you a little understanding. The energy is everywhere at the same time so to the energy there is no consciousness of distance so there is no physical distance, so if we wish to treat someone at the other side of the world then in the energy we would connect to that person with our collective consciousness the same as if they where in front of us and we would treat them the same, sensing the same imbalances etc. and treating them accordingly.

Now let us take this a little further… time is illusory according to the energy so we could give someone a treatment or an attunement now and then the receiver can call in that treatment or attunement which might be in a weeks time anywhere in the world and it will come in as though it has just been given then, for when we connect with someone in the energy wherever they happen to be, all the participants are being brought together in the collective consciousness pool of energy.


There is only one restriction in energy channeling work and that is the universal principle governing free will, we cannot force someone to receive anything to do with the energy if they do not want to receive it, so regardless of what a person says always ask permission of their higher selves before doing any energy work and if you do not sense a positive response do not do it.

Apart from that universal principle and any personal restrictions the founder of a system may have applied either knowingly or unknowingly at the moment of the systems conception, the only restrictions will be the ones we personally apply. If we cannot conceive something happening then it simply will not happen, we have to get our consciousness around something to make it happen.

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