Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The Power of Double Pyramids

Written By Master Luong Minh Dang

Our most important task is that we have converted the salted water into the drinking water with 100% achievement. Now, we have to know how to convert the drinking water into the salted water. I think that in the future, under the heat from the sun to our earth, water would be evaporated, five oceans could become twos, and other oceans would become deserts as water evaporated. At that time, our responsibility is to know how to use the pyramids, our Chakra 6, to transmit the energy having the big clouds covering the sun, that could cause our death in cold; when those clouds moved far away to create a clean air for us. The Ozone layer would not be open, the weather would be back to normal, there would be two oceans surrounding our earth. Therefore, we would be lack of drinking water and the salted water. I am worried that we will be lack of salted water in the future; I have a formula to convert the drinking water into the salted water. If there are chances, you review the books related to my conferences with a group of you in June 1995 in Holland and in February 1998 also in Holland in English and Vietnamese.

Certainly, you will have chances to study in the future, beginning of the year 2001 of the coming 21st century, we will have chances to carry out. Presently, the formulas I want to guide you about the consumed electricity by the simple, uncomplicated systems. This is an electrical system without generator, without transformers. For those reason, in the last seminar, a number of electrical-electronic engineers mentioned that with these systems, with man-made electricity, that certainly blows up the electrical bulbs, burns the house because of no positive and negative poles. I have explained to a number of electronic engineers that our consumed electricity come from the generator to a central transformed station, then to smaller stations before our usage. Thus, when you use over the kilowatts provided by the transformed station, the station will be exploded or damaged. On the contrary, our UE branch does not need the sunlight, but only the air, the wind to create a strong energy for consumed electricity. For those reasons, we do not need the generators, thus with no need of the generator, we can use the electricity endlessly, without limitation, no matter how much you use without the generator nor the transformer. You have the ability to use as much as you want, when you stop using then no more electricity. As I have explained to you many times, we are the generators of the universe.

We receive the UE and transmit the UE to a person with duration of 30 seconds before, for example. You transmit the UE to 10 thousand people also for 30 seconds. The flow of energy is very fast through your physical transformer, you transmit. After, you study level 7 Special, with the small pyramid, you will receive the energy 3 times through this pyramid and you transmit directly to the top of this pyramid, then all the energy will go to that individual. With that energy, one hundred people, one thousand people and the unlimited list that need such energy, which is faster than the speed of light and through our practice, through the receiving of UE to the pyramid and transmitting to unlimited number of people to help them recovered from illnesses and pains.

I explain to you about the energy, which is related to the water, to the way you use the pyramid to transmit energy to others very easily. There are some problems of the computer networks that you can prevent, as not long ago, those of you in America, Asia, Europe and Australia were lost billions of dollars when the virus entered into the computer systems in those four mentioned continents. Especially in Europe and America, a number of you completed level 7 were lucky and on time in the computer systems which lost the documents, but in contrary, when the computer system had lost the documents, with this pyramid, when they practiced and placed it on top of the computer to retrieve all the documents. After retrieving all the documents, then the computer was down. That is the point we have to pay attention. In the future, I will guide you the technique to create a mock module to receive the consumed electricity and the network or individual computer system, I will help you the formula to protect our network computers and yours with out any problem in the future. Despite of the meticulous ness of the satellite system, despite of the perfection of the computer system, with lack of man-made electricity, you cannot use and create them at all. That is the first focus point of the world. The electricity will be cut off totally in outer space, on the earth we have no electricity, everything will be completely paralyzed. Now, you create the module I have just mentioned in order to prepare this simple, uncomplicated system, a mock module to practice with your pyramids placed on top of it. This is the fake pyramids you have been using to practice and continuing to practice to help you achieving outstanding results.

For now, this mock module, but with a special formula, the key to open the door to use the air, the UE without the light to create a strong force, a strong electricity for the usage of mankind. The man-made electricity, the electricity for the computer system, the electronics, the electricity for the satellites in the outer space, we have to prepare. You see the difficulty to our society with the man-made formulas, the High-Beings have shown us the formula to deal with the difficulty, we practice, and we study, we carry out to achieve outstanding results at the present and the future. The techniques of electricity and water, the two important subjects, then the problem of the computer system, a minor one. If lack of electricity, all systems are completely isolated. We will contribute our study of thee consumed electricity to protect and to cope with our demand, our families, our nations and other nations in the world.

You see that the pyramids are simple, uncomplicated, but clear. You will be helped by me in the usage of the double pyramids in order to contribute more into the environment, which will be happened on our earth. By weather, by the change of the UE, by the strength of the change of the universe that we cannot predict in advance. For those reasons, right now, we have to gradually practice to make acquaintance and to cope with the change of the UE in order to help us and others to achieve the outstanding results.

There are a group of you to confront with a case of disaster, gathering to practice the double pyramids, praying and transmitting the energy; that is good, but if you gather at certain time and transmit the energy, anyone. I give you an example that this area was a disaster area, everyone transmitted a little bit of the energy, 10 persons, 100 persons, 1000 persons, then all the energy would gather at one point to help that area. It is not correct that you do not transmit the energy at the same time then there is no result at the same period with the difference of 5 minutes, 3 minutes or half an hour the energy still gather at such area, and all of your energy around the world will gather at one point and be sent to that disaster area, and your energy certainly change that disaster area becomes light or over. Thus, I explain to you about our energy flow, yours not mine. If I walked by to have the lighting bulb turned off, then I could not teach any more. For now, in business sector, one has spent a large amount of money to study without success yet, one has spent billions of dollars, while you have shown a formula without spending a dollar, then that will certainly cause the economic loss, because one has not understood that this is the benefit of mankind. Therefore, it is still in trouble, however, in the future, without satellites, with the loss of electricity and water, then at such time you do not want to do, one will request you to do anyway.

Therefore, we have to prepare right now in order to have a chance in the decade of the 21st century from 2001 to 2009; the X day will come to us to bring the bright joy, happiness and well to mankind. That day our UE branch will have many percent to see that it will be the most beautiful day that we have the opportunity to help our families, our nations and other nations predestined to us.

Scientists around the world are worrying about the change of electric flow in reverse; perhaps the earth will spin slower or faster. Therefore, the scientists have measured the speed of light 300 thousand kilometers per second, now the speed of light is slower, only 200 thousand kilometers per second. The slowness of UE and the speed of light could cause our earth spinning slower or faster. Because of the slowness and speediness of the earth, our longevity will not be determined in day, month, year in the future; now the cycle is 24 hours per day, a year in America, Europe, Asia has 365 days, but only 9 months in a year for other nations, also 13 months in a year for other countries, either 14–15 months in a year, who is right or wrong? We will wait for the 21st century, the year of 2001, the speed of the earth is slower or faster, and then we will know the effect of time consisting of how many days, how many months in a year. Thus, in our energy, I urge you, who are in the first level 7 and the second level 7, you have to practice these pyramids. When you practice them, regardless of the change of the UE, your energy will be in accord with the UE, thus the cell systems, the brain systems of the patients, by our transmitted energy to activate the patients’ nervous systems, to change the bad cells into the good ones, to burn extra waste, which has caused our illnesses. Our UE branch will contribute this in the 21st century. It is very important to the health of the world, all mankind. We will firstly go to the first predestined place, then to the next predestined one.

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