Sunday, March 05, 2006

Understanding The Sickness' Cause in Relation to Chakras.

UE 7 Chakras

Location of chakras indicate what the sickness it is to heal.

Chakra 2 is at the tailbone, that means in relation to its location, which is the sexual organ, it is there for healing the problems of a sexual nature, example, impotence, menstrual irregularity, fibroids, cervical cancer, problems with urination etc.

Chakra 3 is at the belly button area along the spine, once again, in relation to its location, the stomach area. it is there for healing the problems associated with the stomach area. Okay, what is in the stomach area? The intestines (large and small), kidneys, pancreas, etc, any sickness that is related to these organs, you direct the HUE to that place so that healing is effective.

Chakra 4 is at the heart area along the spine. Heart, that means problems associated with the heart, just direct HUE to the heart area.
Heart problems, blockage of the heart, high blood pressure, stress, cholesterol problems etc, things that relates to blood also.

Chakra 5 is at the neck area, this area is connected to your breathing apparatus. That means anything that is associated to breathing such as lungs, throats, nasal passage, nose blocks and even hearing block, you direct HUE to this chakra. There is one special thing you should remember, our "skin" breaths as well, therefore when you have skin problems, such as allergies, apply HUE to chakra 5.

Chakra 6 is between the eye brows, it is the 'brain' area, it deals with intelligence, coordination. Which means when one have brain related problems, send HUE there.
Problems like coordination problems, memory loss, loss of sleep (because the brain cannot stop thinking), Parkinson diseases, low intelligence, etc, these you direct HUE to chakra 6.

Chakra 7 is the top of your head, this is unique, because this actually governs the entire body system including emotional problems, bone problems etc. Just direct HUE to this area when ever you have the problems associated with bones and emotional problems.

UE does not dealing with Chakra 1

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