Monday, May 30, 2016

Lacunae Attached at Internal & External of the Distended Collarette - Rx - 2

a) Analyze the sharp indentation of the lacunae at 88' & 100' adjacent to the Medial Nasal Flatness, what are the major family genetic weaknesses for this person ?
b) Analyze the internal crypt located at internal collarette border - 60' & 80' in Embryological & CAC approach.
c) Observe the Collarette Bridge at the mid-point of 70', explain the it physical weakness which correlate with Embryological sign at 60'. Identify it Time Risk & Psycho-emotional issue attributed to this sign.
d) Analyse a sharp indentation of double lacunae at 115' adjacent to Inferior Nasal Flatness. Consider the Time Risk factor.

e) Observe and analyze the multiple crypts and lacunae located at ventral section of the internal & external collarette border - 160', 170', 215' & 240'.

f) Observe the very important Embryological sign located at internal collarette border - 270' & Classical lacuna at external border of the collarette - 275'. In my experience, these 2 signs are considered the major predisposition weakness for this person, checking for family history of breast cancer related problem and cardiovascular problem is recommended.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Lacunae Attached at Internal & External of the Distended Collarette - Rx - 1

Observe the lacunae attached on the internal and external of the collarette, please interpret the signs in  Classical and further elaborate in Modern Iridology...Find the indentation of the lacunae that adjacent to the pupil flatness as this amplify the predisposition weaknesses of this person... 

Fork Transversal Toward to Collarette Border - Rx

Please identify and explain a transversal fork form limbus spreading and facing toward to the collarette border...

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Radial Furrows in Multidimensional Iridology Approaches - Rx - 5

Please analyze and apply  the appropriate iridology approaches or techniques on the above genetic condition in physical, emotional, embryological, cac levels and suggest the best personal biological time for treatment to this person...

Space Risk & Radial Furrow co-sign with Orange Pigment Adjacent to VF & INF - Rx - 4

Radial furrow or major ray located at 175' co-sign with orange pigment which adjacent to VF & INF, which amplified the physical, embryological, CAC acid imbalance and psycho-emotional  impact of  traumatic for this person...

Extroflession of the IPB & Pupil Flattenings - Rx - 3

Observe the extroflession of the inner pupillary border tissues at 150' & 175' signify as Space Risk signs which adjacent to the local pupil flatness at ventral & inferior nasal section. Analyse their correlation and subtle relationship that indicate vital genetic weaknesses for this person.

Multiple Radial Furrows - Physical, Emotional Dynamics, Time Risk, Embryological, Kreb's Cycle & Chrobiological Approaches - Rx - 2

Observe the Major Rays radiate from pupil edge to ciliary zone and minor ray located at pupillary zone which adjacent to multiple pupil flatness,  they are multidimensional signs, please analyze and interpret with appropriate MI models in holistic approaches...Take note that, you can consider to analyze the structure of the IPB tissues and pupil tonus first !

Friday, May 27, 2016

Multiple Major Rays in Multidimensional Approaches - Rx - 1

Observe multiple radial furrows / major rays radiate from pupil edge crossing pupillary toward to ciliary zone, please apply MI models to this genetic presentation.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Physical, Time Risk & Emotional Dynamics at the Mid-Point of Collarette Bridge - 130' - Lx - 3

Please  analyze the local indentation of the collarette at the mid-point of bridge formation - 130' , when is the traumatic happened , type of psycho-emotional attributed to this incident and physiological stress in this topography area ?

Traumatic event happened at the age of 38, experiencing deep unresolved issue of betrayal and predisposition to blood sugar imbalance & progesterone deficiency history.

Physical & Emotional Dynamics - Hypertrophy, Constricted, Bridges, Linear, Orange Pigmented & Local Indentation of the Collarette Structure - Lx -2

Explain the iris markings in physical & emotional approaches as follow:
a) Hypertrophy,  Constricted with Orange Pigmented Collarette
b) Multiple local indentation of the collarette
c) Linear Collarette 
d) Multiple-Bridged Collarette
e) Multiple Radial Furrows at the frontal section of the collarette

After analyzing the above findings, practitioner can consider to provide Phytobiophysics or Bach Flower Remedy by referring the (Time Risk / Physical Topography)  - Mid-Point) to calculate the best Personal Biological Time for treatment. ( Please refer Time Risk & Chronobiological Charts)

The 4 critical signs attached on the border of the collarette represent the tendencies of unresolved emotional difficulties, post traumatic stress (Time Risk) and reference for best personal biological time for treatment.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Psycho- Emotional Dynamics Approaches - Brown Pigment & Pterygium - Rx - 6

a) Brown pigment relates to emotional issues of anger and resentment.
b) It could be Penguicula, but I classified it as Pterygium as it extend to the cornea and will gradually grow over to and reach to pupil. Emotionally relates to trait of  hypersensitivity and feeling of insecure.

Psycho- Emotional Dynamics Approaches - Time Risk - Rx - 5

Local indentation of the Collarette at 5' & 145' - Time Risk at 5' & 145' attributed to limbic system imbalance and issue of betrayal.

Psycho- Emotional Dynamics Approaches - Ferrum Chromatosis, Hypertrophy & Orange Pigmented Collarette - Rx - 4

a) Ferrum Chromatosis - indicate liver stress that lead to anaemia, jaundice or hormonal & pituitary gland alterations.
b) Hypertrophy Collarette - Emotionally relate to passive aggression, low self-esteem and unresolved burning resentment.
c) Orange Pigmented Collarette - Emotional energy blockage of blood sugar imbalance.

Psycho- Emotional Dynamics Approaches - Pupil Flatness - Rx - 3

a) Superior Nasal Flatness - Emotionally relates to hypersensitivity, vertigo, skeptical, suspicious and difficulties resolving childhood conflict. 
b) Inferior Nasal Flatness - Emotionally attributed to this local flatness such as self-criticism, low self-esteem, impatience, hyperactivity, living life for other people and fear of failure. 
All these negative emotions can be amplified by the presence of  hypertrophy of the IPB.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Psycho- Emotional Dynamics Approaches - Hypertrophy of the IPB - Rx - 2

Please analyze and explain your findings  in emotional level attributed to this Biliary iris.

a) Hypertrophy of the IPB tissues ( IPB diameter greater than 280 micron) indicate overactivity of the physical and emotional bodies.

(Hypertrophy of the IPB structure)

Pupil Flattening - Rx - 4

Identify which local section of pupil in flat radiant, explain it physical, emotional and spinal stress areas...

The Medial Nasal Flatness relates to family history of  thyroid imbalance and cardiovascular problem, this can be amplified by a crypt located at internal collarette border at 27' which indicate Coenzyme A imbalance associated with a tendency of heart disease. Check for tension at C6-C7, emotionally relates to family issues of father/son conflicts.

Rings Sign at Pupillary Zone - Rx - 3

Can you explain the signs at a, b & c (transversals)? which one is consider normal ? which one is indicate possible family members  history of cancer and predisposition or have tendency to arthritis problems ?  

Signs at Internal Collarette Border / Pupillary Zone - Rx - 2

What can you observe and analyse the multiple crypts located at internal collarette border in the classical reflexive areas of transversal colon or extend to the Multidimensional reflexive areas of Embryological & CAC topography.The findings in this pupillary zone will amplify by the identified sign at 360'...

Monday, May 23, 2016

Closed Lacuna Co-sign with Diffuse Pigment at 360' External Border of the Collarette - Rx - 1

In Modern iridology approach, a sign located at internal / external border of the collarette - 360' should set priority to analyse as it concern with Hypothalamus Stress, experienced of past  Traumatic Events, Birth Trauma, Unresolved Negative Emotional and the consideration of Personal Chronological Time for treatment...If the sign is attached with pigment then a person is experiencing a deep unresolved emotions or physical stress in pain condition...
Of cause, we can identify it constitution types, dispositions and diathesis, but without identifying the above mentioned, the core genetic problem for this person can still be unresolved...  

Friday, May 06, 2016

The Dynamics Change of the Collarette, Time Risk & Pupillary Signs - Lx - 2

Observe the hypertrophy of the collarette, Emotional Dynamics, Time Risk, Embryological & CAC signs at pupillary zone...

Analyze the follow iris signs :
a) Radial Furrow at the frontal section of the collarette - Time Risk & Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette.
b) Multiple minor ray at frontal of the pupillary zone.
c) Hypertrophy, zig-zag and linear section of the collarette.
d) Central Orange Heterochromia / Orange Pigmented Collarette.
e) Multiple Pupil Flattenings.