Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Medial Nasal Flatness & Space Risk at 265' - Lx - (raja)

This person has family history of  heart disease (father), breathing difficulties-asthma (mother) and blood sugar imbalance tendency. Refer to the previous post of identified Elephant IPB at frontal section of IPB, with the Medial Nasal Flatness (MNF) & Space Risk at 265', it indicate the above genetic weakness was inherited by this patient. Please identify the genetic deficiencies of MNF, Space Risk 14 (265') & Elephant IPB.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

V- Shaped & Elephant Sign IPB - Rx - (raja)

Observe the V- Shaped & Elephant sign IPB located at frontal section of the IPB. Refer Dr. Daniele Lo Rito & John Andrews - IPB structure & morphologies textbooks for reference.