Thursday, February 10, 2011

Physical Iridology Analysis

Female, Age 44, Rx

1) Solitary brown pigment located upper breast zone area indicates potential liver deficiency.
2) Contraction radial starting from the inner pupillary border extended to the collarette boundary, attached to the reflex areas of pituitary and hypothalamus areas, indicates brain fatigue, low nerve energy, low libido, poor concentration, emotional imbalance and potential of insomia.
3) Step lacunae located in the pancreas area indicates predisposition to blood sugar imbalance.
4) Semi-open lacuna located in the uterus area tendency of disturbance.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

IPB Analysis - "S" sign

Female, Age:44
The S-sign
According to John Andrews:
- S sign related to the function of hypothalamus and in particular the functions of the pituitary gland, especially prolactin release.
- Many prolactinoma patients have the S sign.
- The S sign can relate to other pituitary problems, the more distinct and pronounced it is the greater the tendency to prolactin disturbances. The more distorted the sign, the greater the tendency to extreme menopausal or premenstrual symptoms a women may experience.
- Potential endocrine imbalance.
The S sign always located in the frontal section of the inner pupillary border.

Multidimensional Iridology Analysis- Part 2

Brain Reflex Analysis - Rx

1) Crypts and lacunae located in the hypothalamus area indicates low nerve energy, low vitality and brain fatigue, lack of enthusiasm for being creative and loving.
2) Closed lacunae with crypt formartion, concerning with low self-esteem.
3) Closed lacuna with crypt formation, concerning with one's feelings, experiences and perceptions into words, difficult in expressing them from logical perspective.
4) Giant lacuna attached in the emotional reflex area of Experiential / Perception indicates potential of one's perceptions and experiences of waht was not received from the environment or from his father, masculine figures while growing up.
5) Possible sexual trauma from the masculine aspect.
6) Experiencing a hard time that concern about survival in career, financial and busioness relationships.

Embryological Analysis -

1) #6 - Deficiency in hypothalamus/ Limbic system governing emotional status.
2) #9- Deficiency in pineal gland. Hormonal and glandular imbalance.
3) # 31- Gastrointestinal disturbance.
4) #10- Pancreas, potential blood sugar imbalance.
6) #13 - Potential weakness in urinary bladder and prostate gland.
7) #1 - Breast or breathing condition.
8) #3- Checking thyroid condition.
9) # 4- Deficiency in fat metabolism aand detoxification of liver function.

Time Risk Analysis -
Gender: Male, Age:47

The Time Risk signs as demonstrated in the above Rx iris, the wreath were indented by the genetic sign of closed lacunae located counter-clockwise from the time frame of pragnancy, adolescene, adult and the old age.
The indentation of the wreath indicates:
- Anger & depression
- Deep self-criticism over an event
- Deep sense of injustice
- Possible vaccination reaction
Lacuna in the Time Risk indicates:
- A challenge pf psychological and emotional
- The experience of betrayal
- Guilt
- Emotionally vulnerable time
- Family trauma

The traumatic/psychological/emotional time locked as follow:
- 0 to 9 months pregnancy, the physical,psychological and emotional trauma/event impacted by mother and connection relationship with masculine figures- Rx
- 0 to 60 years old and above, past and current events impacted the person physically,emotionally,mentally and spiritually.

a)Indented collarette by semi-open lacuna - 0.5 month of pregnancy.
b)Penetration of closed lacuna- 1.0 month, age:8.
c)Indentation of collarette- 4.5 months, age:30.
d)Indented collarette by closed lacuna- 5.5 months, age:35
e)Penetration by closed lacuna- 7 months, age:45.
f)Lacuna located inside the collarette in the reflex area of splenic flexure- 8.0 months, age:50.
g)Degenerative lacuna attached in the reflex area of transversal comon- 8.0 months, age:53.

Consultation with client about his past events,experiences, unhappy or traumatic incidents happened might lead to current physical, physchlogical and emotional negagtive influence and imbalance.

Space Risk Analysis

a) Space 12 & 13- 295'- introflection
- Space 12 : Liver, fatty degeneration, recurrent anger toward oneself, difficulty processing and distributing emotions.
- Space 13 : Stomach, potential gastric ulcers or polyps, stifling negative emotions, desire to ,love, unsatified, strength or weakness of the true self.
b) Space 7- 270'- hypertrophy
- potential thyroid problems, difficulty of communication between internal aspects, lack of confidence, ability to converse, anger towards oneself or others.
c) Space 3- 20'- hypertrophy
- Potential face and teeth problem, psoriasis, stuck in an emotional perspective, glanuloma and dental abscesses.
d) Space 12 & 13- 90'- hypertrophy
- As explained above.

Inner Pupillary Border Analysis -

1) S-sign- hypothalamus, hyperprolactinaemia, reduced libido, endocrine imbalance, anger suppression, self-criticcisum.
2) Hypertrophy/neurolappen- nerve rags, sensitivities with anxiety and tension, insomia, diverticulitis.
3) Squared- thyroid sign, potential hypothyroidism, verbal expression & conflict with father figure, abdominal colic, possible IBS.