Wednesday, December 31, 2008



- 自我為中心的思維模式
- 逆向性思考與操作
- 思想與眾不同,出類 拔萃
- 具批判性、叛逆性性格

Accidental Whorl

The accidental whorl is a pattern consisting of a combination of two different types of pattern, with the exception of the plain arch, with two or more deltas; or a pattern which possesses some of the requirements for two or more different types; or a pattern which conforms to none of the definitions. It may be a combination of loop and tented arch, loop and whorl, loop and central pocket loop, double loop and central pocket loop, or other such combinations.

The plain arch is excluded as it is rather the absence of pattern than a pattern. Underneath every pattern there are ridges running from one side to the other, so that if it were not excluded every pattern but the plain arch would be an accidental whorl.

- 自我為中心,貝有獨特的思想
- 自我的認知與周遭的環境會有偏差
- 出類拔萃、與衆不同
- 創意性极高、同中求異、異中求同
- 特質呈多面性較不穩定

Health + Eco Friendly Fair

Overall view of the Health Fair

Senior Dermatoglyphics Consultant Mr.Khaw consulting for client family
Yong Yue Dermatoglyphics displaying some samples of Dermatoglyphics Reports and Books
Yong Yue Dermatoglyphics Boot

A group of interest people was consulted by Yong Yue's Dermatoglyphics Consultant Ms.Yue Yue

The subject of "Sensory Integration Analysis" information Banner

Senior Dermatoglyphics Consultant Mr.Khaw consulting with client
Our professional services was attracted by senior client !
Analyzing Dermatoglyphics -Ridge Pattern for childrens
A cleint was consulted by Caason Tan

Friday, December 26, 2008

Sajith Getting Married in India Hometown ~

Congratulation Sajith !
Sajith said ( our former clinic assistant) :

Dear all,
Its happy to let u know that I got Engaged with Sindhu on dec 21.
Marriage will be on April 23rd 2009.

So all are invited, and formal invitation will be send later

With love and prayer