Sunday, November 30, 2008

Ulnar & Radial Loop

a) Ulnar Loop

b) Radial Loop

The loop pattern consists of one or more free recurving ridges and one delta.

In order to distinguish between ulnar and radial loops you must:
1) know from which hand the loop pattern comes from and;
2) place your hand palm side down over top of the impression and determine if the recurving ridges originate from the little finger side or the thumb side.

If the ridges flow in from the little finger side this would be an 'ulnar' loop. If the ridges flow in from the thumb side this would be a 'radial' loop.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Heart Stress - 3

1) Left Liver Lobe stress -An encapsulation stress with Pingecula sign indicate a high lipids in blood stream & Liver possible a coronary heart disease problem.

2) Left/Right Bundle Branch stress.

3) Cardiovascular stress.

Dermatoglyphics - Pressure Whorl

Ridge Count : 18
Pressure Whorl - Center as a spiral structure, 2 forces is pressing the center pattern area. Tension inpatient type of character.

Dermatoglyphics - Spiral Whorl

The ridge line is running as a spiral from the center through touching the 2 delta points

Calculation of Ridges : Draw a line from the Delta point to the center point of the pattern area. Calculate the point which the join line touching the ridge. The above ridge count : 23

Corneal Arcus

A Corneal Arcus ( Cholestrol Ring) surronding the iris rim indicate a high accumulation of lipids in the blood stream. A thick white arc was seated on the upper zone of the iris, indicate a poor blood circulation in the brain area, possible having a chronic headache or migrain problem.

High Resilience & Good Resistance

- A high resilience fiber indicate a good resistance to disease and illness.
- A slight Arcus Sinulus ring ( cholestrol ring ) around the rim - control diet, avoid fat saturated food.
- A balance Autonomous Nerve Wreath surronding the nutrive zone - a balance digestion & absoprtion system.

Heart Stress - 2

A potential Cardiovascular stress ( reticulate structure, reddish, bold thickness ) - Heart Disease problem. The patient is being confirmed a heart surgery operation last 4 months ago.

Lymphatic Congestion

1) An advanced Lymphatic congestion with encapsulation stress - Lymphatic stagnation, infection or problem in drainage.

2) A reticulated congestion line extending to Left Breast area - Chronic lymphartic congestion.

Breast cancer symptoms vary widely — from lumps to swelling to skin changes — and many breast cancers have no obvious symptoms at all. Symptoms that are similar to those of breast cancer may be the result of non-cancerous conditions like infection or a cyst.

A female patient is suggest to have Mammograms test.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Free Medical Camp

Queuing up for taking medicine.

Blood Test By Sivasanta Klinik.

Blood Test & Registration Area.

Dental Service.

Doctors Consultation Area.

UE Healing By HUE group.

Traditional Healing Massage By Mega Caring Activities.

Klinik Sivasanta Senior Coordinator Mr. Murugiah interviewed by Star reporter.

Iridology & Sclerology consultation room.

Sivasanta Klinik assistance.

Sclerology consultation

Sclerology & Iridology consultation

Jointly Organised By :
Temple Of Fine Arts
Klinik Derma Sivasanta
Premaseva Charitable Organisation
Malaysia Hindu Sangam ( Seberang Jaya Council )

Place : SJK (T) Ladang Prye, Jln.Baru. Perai

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Congestion Stress

1) A congestion stress with reticulate structure, indicate a long term chronic illness in the affected area. (1) - possible having a strain in spinal upper back area.
2) Congestion stress line in throat area - long term chronic sore throat in Larynx and esophagus area.
3) Infection pocket stress line in the thyroid zone

Heart Stress

A cardiovascular advanced stress line (1) spreading with another congestion stress line (2) with 2 black dots indicate a potential serious heart disease problem.

Spleen Stress

Spleen - Lymph stress indicate the body lymphatic congestion and low in immune system, weak in resistance to illness.

Small Intestine & Colon Stress

Contraction Furrow structure indicate toxidity, endocrine, detoxification, elimination system imbalance, mental stress and negative emotion.

1) Small intestine stress line - indigestion and absorption problem
2) Pocket stress line - parasite, fungus, bacteria involvement
3) Kidney stress line - elimination system imbalance

1) Colon stress- constipation, diarrhea, movement imbalance.
2) Adrenal stress - emotional, mental stress
3) Kidney stress

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Low Resilient in Fiber Structure

A lot of small lacunae or crypts surrounding from layer 1 to layer 7 ( from stomach layer through elimination layer ). Indicate a low resistance to disease or illness to digestion, absorption, assimilation, detoxification and elimination system. The crypt majority deposited in the ciliary , detoxification and elimination zone ( layer 6, 7 & 8).

1) A missing small part of inner pupillary border Frontal area.
2) A massive crypts surrounding the nutritive zone indicate a serious indigestion problem.

Stress in Brain Reflex Zone

a) An advanced Y stress lines deposited in the Vital Force Zone, indicate this person is experiencing a hard time or a critical life time in a matter of prsonal health issue, family, career in a critical manner. Stress, pressure, depression, low self-esteem, emotional imbalance might be experienced.

b) & C) an extension stress branches from the main advanced stress line. A Pituitary and Nerve Fray stress lines. Indicate a chronic emotional stress, headache and insomia.

1), 2), 3) & 4) various pockets \ encapsulation stress lines - indicates a serious infection in sinus \ sinusitis problem.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Encapsulation Stress in Tyroid

L- Sclera :
1)An advanced congestion with encapsulated stress lines in the Thyroid, Low Rarynx and Esophagus area.
2) Both congestion \ encapsulation or infection stress line - reddish color with thicker lines, indicate that the problem was accumulated some time, and is an alarm sign for immdiate treatment. Possible Problems - Throat infection or Chronic Cough due to heavy smoking addicted, Hypothyroidism or Hyperthyroidism.

Digestive Stress - Sclera Vs Iris


a) An advanced Y stress line to Kidney, indicate a kidney stress. A secondary involvement stree line towards to small intestine, indicate absorption problem.

b) An advanced Y with 90% enclosed/encapsulate stress line towards to Pancreas, indicate a digestive disorder or sugar imbalance problem. The stress line branches with another congestion stress line crossing horinzontally to kidney area.
R- Iris
A constricted Autonomic Nerve Wreath with a structure of large pupil with large collarette indicate the absorption, assimilation and digestion problem. Possible constipation with slow moving colon.
This person possible having indeficiency function in Digestion, Elimination and Detoxification system.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Universal Message

Love for GOD and Service to Mankind.

By Swami Shantanand Saraswathi

Bio of His Holiness Swami Shantananda Saraswathi

Early life

Swamiji was born in a village called Tirukovillur, in south India on April, 1934. At birth he was given the name Chandrashekar.

In 1971, a young Hindu monk by the name of Swami Shantanand arrived for the first time in Malaysia with a prayer to his master Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh: "Dear Master, I do not know why you have brought me here, but let me be worthy of your love and grace".

In Kuala Lumpur, he was hosted by a family and through them met a number of families. His gatherings were filled with songs in praise of God and his talks illuminated almost every conceivable subject pertinent to life and living but most of all, it was the way he spoke God's love that filled the hearts of those who heard him.

His approach was all embracing and his ideology simple: "Follow any path, religion or doctrine, but believe in it sincerely, because the sincerity of your belief will illuminate and guide you to the ultimate common goal - God"

He taught the universal message found in all religions: Love for GOD and service to mankind.
Soon by word of mouth, his following spread from Kuala Lumpur to Penang, Johor Bahru, Singapore and gradually to Perth and Melbourne in Australia. As some time passed by, a core of some one hundred families became his regular followers in each centre and over a period of ten years, these followers were affectionately referred to as the Shiva Family. To date, Swamiji has thousands of devotees world-wide, be it those those who actively engage in His Divine activities (Shiva Family) or those who silently carry out his Cosmic teachings around the Globe.

The Shiva family comprised many youngsters and Swamiji felt the urge to begin a cultural centre so that the children in the group would learn dance and music and thereby preserve something of their rich cultural heritage.

In 1981, with the help of this devotees, Master Shivdas and wife Vatsala, Master Gopal Shetty and wife Radha, who were all dance teachers, Swamiji inspired the beginnings of the Temple of Fine Arts. Music, art and dance, he taught, have their origins in the Divine, hence, the word "Temple".

Here the divine is worshipped through the fine arts and art is taught just for the love of it. Today, the Temple of Fine Arts teaches different classical and folk dances and music of South as well as North Indian. It has become a government recognized non-profit institution in all its centers. Temple of Fine Arts has its wings world over, namely, Kuala Lunpur, Penang, Melaka, Johor Bahru, Singapore, Chennai(Madras), Coimbatore, Perth, New Jersey and Italy (latest).

Once a year, it conducts "Festival of Arts" - a week long offering of dance, drama and music, choreographed, directed and produced entirely by the teachers, students and other members of the institution. These presentations & stage productions are all given as a love offering to the public, free of charge.

The adage "athithi devo bhava" meaning "the guest is God" was the motivating factor. This concept a tribute to the Goddess of Plenty, whose name is Annalakshmi, and the ideals, the warmth and the service very soon captured the taste buds and imagination of diners and connoisseurs alike.

Today, Annalakshmi brings Indian vegetarian cuisine to more and more people in Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru, Hyderabad, UK, Singapore, Coimbatore, Perth and Madras. And it does this within an ambience of great beauty. Annalakshmi is lavishly decorated with paintings, statues, and pillars from India and has subtly given unique expression to the pleasures of art and cuisine.

Annalakshmi's reputation as one of the most beautifully decorated restaurants prompted Swamiji to launch yet another wing of the Temple of Fine Arts, namely, Lavanya - its visual arts centre.

Lavanya is a Sanskrit word for Beauty, is a treasure trove of India's splendid artistic and cultural heritage. Income from Lavanya not only helps fund the charitable activities of Temple of Fine Arts, but also provides for the struggling artisans of India.

As many of the Shiva family members are doctors, Swamiji inspired the founding of the Temple of Service. Here the members give up their leisure evening hours to do voluntary service by providing medical treatment to the urban poor free of charge. Since inception in 1983, the centre has a medical, dental and eye section and over a hundred thousand patients have been treated.

Spiritual Life

Initially influenced by the great master Swami Gnanananda Giri, at age 14 he became a disciple of Swami Sivananda Saraswati. He received his spiritual training in Rishikesh for 14 years and later disseminated his master's teachings in India, Malaysia, Singapore and Australia.

Swami Shantananda taught of the Love for GOD and Service to Mankind.

Swami ShantanandaSaraswathi Video (1998) :

His Holiness Swami Shantanand Saraswathi

His Holiness Swami Shantanand Saraswathi
Inspiration and Founder

He mirrors the minds of those around him. Infinitely sensitive to every phenomenon and for whom every phenomenon is a stimulus capable of provoking an infinite series of thoughts, he is a man whom admirable texts cannot exhaust, do not even define.
He says little, yet moves the young and old to action. An Indian by birth, a swami by choice, a sadhu by temperament, his ideas are nurtured by the simple, universal truths repeated endlessly in all cultures – serve, love, give – selflessly.

Homeless in the literal sense of the word, yet firmly entrenched in the hearts of all those who seek the answers to the eternal mysteries, he guides by the light of the Masters.
He creates outside the realm of reason, real yet symbolic worlds. His words confound and enlighten simultaneously. They are open to a multitude of meanings. Together they form a myriad of tiny mirrors that reflect the minds of his listeners.

Perhaps the most striking quality of his words is the way they dismantle beliefs and notions foisted by years of schooled wisdom. And at the end of it all, to glimpse in a strange intangible way, the quintessence of things as they always were and always will be.
Such insights, though rare and precious, are sufficient to inspire, to motivate action to take that one extra step towards realizing a dream.

“Follow any path, religion or doctrine, but believe it sincerely, because the sincerity of your belief will illuminate and guide you to the ultimate goal – God.”

This was the simple ideology Swami Shantanand Saraswathi gave to his audience when he first spoke of God, love, life and religion.

He had arrived in Kuala Lumpur for the first time in 1971 with a prayer to his great master Swami Shivananda of Rishikesh: “Dear master, I do not know why you have brought me here, but let me be worthy of your love and grace.”

He gave illuminating talks on almost every conceivable subject pertinent to life and living, but most of all it was the way he spoke of God’s love that filled the hearts of those who heard him.

He taught the universal message found in all religions: Love for God and service to mankind.

His warm and affectionate manner made it possible for the young and old alike to learn from him that God is Love. Love that can be expressed in many ways, chief of which is service to mankind. This touched the hearts of many.

In 1981, with the help of Gopal and Radha Shetty and Sivadas and Vatsala, he established The Temple of Fine Arts. This was to become the beautiful beginning of a unique vision – helping the youth of today rediscover the magnificent cultural and artistic heritage of India to which they belong. In the twenty five years past, Swamiji had established this shrine of music and dance in Singapore, Australia, India and Malaysia, with the latest centre in New Jersey, USA in 2004!

More significantly, The Temple of Fine Arts had become a centre of artistic, cultural and spiritual expression and exploration for its members and its students.

The above article is depicted from THE TEMPLE OF FINE ART (KL)